Reflection in writing
Task 2a - Reflective journal task
When I read the tasks for Section 2- The reflective practitioner, I felt at ease as I already have my own reflective journals that I have been using for a couple of years, and I'm comfortable with taking time at the end of my day to sit down and reflect on my feelings and what I have done during the day. I also have a separate notebook for my fitness and home workouts, which I have tailored over the years for exercises that suit my body and that challenge me, and I also reflect on how my body feels that week- something dancing has taught me how to do.
My friend bought me a "One Line a Day" journal, which is a five year memory book. I'm excited to look back in five years time at what I have written. Some days it's only a line, and other days a paragraph, depending on how I feel, but it's a great way to clear my mind and look at things in a simple way, especially after a bad day, which we all have!
I love the quote on Pg 58 of the Module One Handbook as I can relate to it so well..
I understand writing a personal journal isn't for everyone, and can take a while to get used to but I find it so useful and a great way to fill all the notebooks I keep buying!
This week has been really busy as I have begun rehearsals for a new premiere in 6 weeks time, but I have been working on task 2b, and I'm currently on day 6 of what I call the "nine days in nine ways" writing task. When I have completed all nine days I will blog about my experience!
Happy sunday everyone :)
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