My current networks

Task 3A

For this task I thought it would be helpful to look at how other BAPP students displayed their current networks, and really liked how some used a spider diagram. 

For some reason, I was overthinking too much in this task and kept thinking "is this person/organisation part of my network?" and "should I write that?". Perhaps because I've moved onto a different section in the tasks, or because I felt more comfortable writing about reflection? Or just because I've been crazy busy this last week! Anyway, I've just tried to write down anything/anyone that has helped my professional career in the past, present, and could help me also in the future.
I believe that many people working in the arts go by the saying "It's not what you know, it's who you know", unfortunately so! That's why it's so difficult for students to get jobs in a company, as they haven't had experience in the professional world yet and made contacts. I think it's very important to keep in contact with people that could help your career develop. For example, by having another friend/contact in a ballet company, they could tell you about an injured dancer in the company before the director has even advertised about a position. 
Web 2.0 is a very useful way to give and receive information about possible job opportunities and stay in contact with people. I am a member of a couple of Facebook groups where people post about current performing jobs and auditions, almost everyday. The company I currently work in also has a private Facebook group where any important news and our weekly schedule is posted. LinkedIn is the newest form of social media to me, and I was recommended to join by my friend back in Manchester. Some of my old teachers and also company directors have accounts and the occasional audition is posted there also. I use Instagram to follow dance companies and their dancers to see their style, how they work and to see if I could possibly be suited to that company. It's not just about posting photos anymore, you can now also post videos and message others privately. In fact most of my feed is dancers (and food)!
I keep in contact with a few of my teachers and the director at Elmhurst Ballet School, and let them know how I am getting on. I'm also able to go back and take class when I have a summer break, and it's helpful to receive feedback on what I have improved on and how my dancing style has changed. I also attend OPES classical ballet summer course every year, where many guest teachers and choreographers come and do workshops, and also other professional dancers; and it's a great way to build and develop my network, whilst also dancing!
Of course, we are all busy people and sometimes forget to reply to a message or stay in contact with someone, and I hope I can improve on this over time. However, (ending on a high), I think it's great how many different platforms there are for communicating with others in the same industry in order to help each other.


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