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Flipping my perspective

After weeks of data collection, interviews, and researching further into emerging themes and new questions, I've spent the weekend thoroughly planning out my literature review essay. I'm making sure my plan is detailed and has exactly what I want to write in each section so that when I come to write, it's just the matter of forming my thoughts and plan into sentences and piecing it altogether. My research has been based around looking at the importance of nutritional knowledge in ballet and how/if that relates to dancers being considered athletes. I've managed to interview many professional dancers, along with a few that are now in the sports or personal training industry, and as mentioned I have been looking at whether dancers can be considered athletes. After coming across an article from the British Journal of Educational Studies, Peter J Arnold (1990, pp.160-179) speculates "Whether or not sport itself can be regarded as an art?" I've been looking ...

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